Monday Mingle with EY-Parthenon

Date: Monday 9th of September
Time: 17:30 pm onwards
Place: EY office, Korkeavuorenkatu 32-34

EY-Parthenon team invites smart, nice, and driven students to our casual Paint & Cocktails-event and getting to know more about EY-Parthenon and career opportunities in strategy consulting. In the event, you’ll meet some of our strategy consultants with whom you can have an open discussion regarding a consultant’s work and the most memorable project experiences. You’ll have a great opportunity to start building your professional network.

This event is also a great opportunity for you to learn more about our trainee application process and get tips from our recent hires on applying at EY-Parthenon. The application period for this year’s Consultant Trainee positions is open from 26th of August until the 15th of September 2024.

Interested in joining the event? Number of participants is limited and thus we kindly ask you to apply by submitting your contact information and a brief description of your motivation through this link by 2nd of September.

EY-Parthenon team will confirm participation and provide further details on practicalities closer to the event date. In case you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to contact

We are eagerly looking forward to meeting you!

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