KPMG – Trainee ’24

Are you interested in taking your next career step and entering the world of KPMG?

We might have a great career opportunity for you, if you are a 3rd-5th year university or university of applied science student or a recently graduated. An enthusiastic and motivation will go a long way, but if you also have previous work experience in your field, it will be considered as an advantage!

What we offer you

It is important for us to identify future talent at an early stage in their careers, and that is why we are investing in the best possible conditions for learning and developing at work during your trainee period. We want to support your growth and give you the keys to succeed. For the whole trainee period you will have your own peer advisor who helps you with any question you might have.

As a Trainee at KPMG, you will get to work on real client assignments alongside seasoned colleagues. The versatility of our clientele and the superb teams guarantee that every day is different. The strengths of our culture are trust and good team-spirit, possibility to influence your own work and career development, and authenticity.

Our traineeship is a paid fixed-term position, lasting 3-10 months depending on the position. The positions are full-time and will start in September-November 2024. Many KPMG employees have found a permanent job through our Trainee program!

How to apply

Now it is your turn, we hope that you are as excited as we are about our trainee program at KPMG. Check out our open trainee positions and send your application no later than January 21st, 2024 at Please notice that you can apply multiple trainee positions with one application. Sending a new one for different position will delete the previous one. We are not able to receive applications via email because of GDPR.

Want to learn more before applying? 

We will answer the most frequently asked questions in our Instagram page @kpmgfinland on 9th of January, come check them out!

If you have any questions about open trainee positions, you can also reach out to our recruitment team through emails:

Advisory: Johanna Hussi

Audit & Assurance: Mariina Falck

Tax & Legal: Christina Koikkalainen

Business Support: Petra Simoinen

If you are not sure who to contact you can always send an email to:

We will contact all the applicants by the end of March at the latest

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