Thursday, November 30
Sofia Helsinki, Sofiankatu 4, 00170 Helsinki

BCG is thrilled to invite first and second-year students to join us to spend a spectacular evening together on November 30th!

BLAST x BCG will give you a unique glance into Boston Consulting Group and what management consulting is all about in an entertaining environment. The evening will bring together curious students from across the universities and people behind BCG. In the company of your peers and new friends, we will take you to Sonckin Sali in Sofia Helsinki, where we will enjoy an evening of getting to know each other, a playful case workshop and other entertainment together. Later on, Stig will be performing, and you’ll have time to relax and have fun!

Please apply through this link by Wednesday, November 22 with a short motivational letter, explaining us why you would want to join the event. Please note, seats for this event are limited and we will confirm your attendance on Friday, November 24 the latest.

In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Recruiting Specialist Katja Leppänen at

Apply now to participate and have a blast together with us!

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