KPMG Talks event on 16 November at Amos/Bio Rex

It’s time to shake off some myths and paint the future.

What is consulting and work in auditing all about? Is it all powerpoints and numbers, or is there more to it? How does one of the leading companies within its industry see the future of work in an expert organisation. Come join us for an evening at Amos/Bio Rex with new insights into the industry and KPMG.

During the evening you will have the chance to meet our experts from younger to more seasoned professionals in a relaxed setting, and to learn more about the work we do to make a difference through our Advisory, Audit & Assurance and Tax & Legal services. The evening will also include an interesting keynote about future work combined with technology by author Antti Merilehto and the event will be wrapped up with a chance to visit Ryoji Ikeda’s art exhibition and a live music performance by Arppa. Not to forget about food and refreshments. This is an evening you don’t want to miss!

Find the full agenda and sign up through here: KPMG Talks < Future work/life > ( Be quick to secure your seat, as there’s limited space.

The event is especially aimed for 2nd and 3rd year students, interested to learn more about KPMG and our businesses: Advisory, Audit & Assurance and Tax & Legal.

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