PwC – Tax and Legal Technology Consultant

We are looking for an Associate / Senior Associate to join our Tax & Legal Technology Team within Tax and Legal Services. Our Tax & Legal Technology team specializes in working in the intersection of tax and legal substance and technology to drive forward digital transformation and innovations. We help our clients to confidently answer to the challenges of an increasingly digital tax landscape where reporting and compliance are becoming more real-time and the margins of error more narrow.

As a Tax & Legal Technology Consultant, you will be responsible for driving forward and facilitating customer and internal projects related to data analytics, data integration, AI development and process automation. Working together with the rest of our team, you will take responsibility for planning, development and execution of our technology projects.
We encourage you to apply when you feel comfortable with the profile below. Other relevant experience is welcome.

  • Master’s degree in relevant field (e.g in Business/Economics or Law)
  • You have some previous tax, accounting or legal work experience and a willingness to learn more. You have a passion for taxes and you truly are a technology enthusiast.
  • Excellent Excel skills are required, and knowledge of any of the data visualization software (Power BI, Qliksense, Tableau, other) is seen as a benefit.
  • Knowledge of any coding language (e.g. Python, R, VBA, C#, Java or similar) is an added bonus, but not mandatory.

You are an ideal candidate and will fit into our team if you have good logical thinking skills, a service-minded attitude, the ability to take initiative and to see the big picture without losing focus on the details. You are interested in building long-lasting relationships with our clients, and want to exceed our customers’ expectations. You value teamwork and inspire people around you to do their best. You are flexible in how you engage different stakeholders, being able to change your approach and way of thinking depending on the situation.

Great! We are eager to hear more about you. Please send us your application and salary request here 6.3.2022 at the latest. 


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