PwC – Trainee, Deals and Consulting, Helsinki

Are you interested in building a career in the field of M&A or management consulting? We are now looking for trainees for both our Deals and Consulting groups. Within these groups, we have several specialized teams providing different services and trainee positions. You can find more information about the teams and the trainee positions via this link

Working as a trainee in PwC Deals or Consulting will offer you:

  • A place to grow and a team with strong expertise, varying backgrounds and experiences to learn from
  • Practical, hands-on client project work experience
  • Opportunity to interact with clients and the global network
  • Competitive compensation, benefits and opportunity to network

An ideal candidate will:

  • Have an analytical approach to problem solving, while being able to research, structure and visualize information
  • Have proactive attitude, solution driven mind-set and ability to coordinate project work
  • Have or be currently pursuing an academic degree within the field of Business, Economics or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or other relevant area
  • Be fluent in English, fluency in Finnish and/or Swedish is considered as an advantage

You are an ideal candidate and will fit into our team if you have a genuine interest towards business and delivery of high-quality advisory services and have passion to learn new things quickly and the ability to develop and bring up new ideas. You are comfortable with working both independently and in teams on a project basis and have strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills, both verbal and written.

In Deals, our trainees typically are within their 3rd to 5th year of studies. Traineeship is also a possible path to full-time employment. In Consulting, we hope that an ideal candidate will graduate within 6-12 months or has already graduated (trainees have the possibility to work full time and continue permanently after the trainee period).

To apply, read thorough instructions and submit your CV, application letter and transcript of records in PDF format via our website latest by 16th February 2025. 

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