BCG – Visiting Associate

Unlock your potential as a Visiting Associate at BCG in Finland

We are now accepting applications for Visiting Associate internship positions in 2025!

We are seeking students who are eager to bring their dedication and motivation to resolve challenges of all sizes. At BCG, we highly value your accomplishments, curiosity, and uniqueness. Remember, your potential knows no bounds!

As a Visiting Associate, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with and be mentored by experienced BCG professionals. Together, you will work on projects where you co-create solutions alongside our valued clients. You will have specific responsibilities within the team, gaining a comprehensive 360-degree perspective on life at BCG. Our internships typically span two months, offering flexible start dates in 2025.

We welcome students from various university programs who view their degree as just the beginning and still have a few more years of studies left before graduation. After a successfully completed internship, you may be offered to return to BCG as a full-time Associate upon the completion of your university studies. Fast-track your career and discover what your future at BCG would look like!

We will review applications already during the application period, so please submit your application as soon as possible.

Learn more and apply here by March 6th!

Questions? Contact us at

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