Different Consulting Journeys at BCG

February 15th, 2023
Location: BCG Helsinki office

We’d love to invite you to a relaxed evening with us in our office in Helsinki on February 15th at 18:00-22:00!

During the evening we will tell you about management consulting, what it’s like to work at BCG and why we do what we do. You will hear different consulting journeys from people with different career paths. We will share everything you need to know about the internship, applying, and the interview process during the info session. You will get all your questions answered and meet our consultants, who will share their firsthand tips and experiences to ace the process. There will be sushi for dinner, and you’ll have a chance to have casual chats with BCG Aalto Biz alumni during the evening.

Please apply with your CV and unofficial university transcripts (optional) through this link by Tuesday, February 6th. The event is targeted towards students, preferably in their 3rd year of studies and up.

Seats for this event are limited. We will confirm your attendance by Wednesday February 8th.

If you have any questions about the event, don’t hesitate to contact Katja Leppänen at Leppanen.Katja@bcg.com. Also please inform us well beforehand in case you can’t make it to the event.

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