(PAST) Excel Training with Deloitte on 18th of May

Would you like to put your Excel skills in shape for the summer, but pivot sounds mostly like ballet? Do you struggle with basic Excel stuff even though your CV says something else? Don’t worry because we offer help for your LOOKUP worries, INDEXMATCH depression and #REF! stress.

Aalto Accounting’s popular Excel course is here again. You will learn useful skills which can make your life easier in your summer job (such as shortcuts, referencing pivot tables etc.). We will ask in the registration form which topics you would like to be covered in the training session.

The instructors won’t start from the very basics, so we hope that the participants have some kind of knowledge of Excel in order to make this course run smoothly. However, you don’t need to be an Excel guru to participate this course – Panu’s Excel course should have got you covered!

The training is held on Tuesday 18th of May by lovely representatives of Deloitte via Zoom. We will have a break in the middle of the training, so you’ll have time to eat your dinner. Deloitte offers Wolt credits worth 15 euros to the participants. The instructors are professionals using Excel on a daily basis.


Sign up here:


There are limited amount of places and registration is binding so make sure that you can actually participate.


To conclude,

WHAT: Excel Training
WHERE: @Zoom
WHEN: Tuesday 18th of May at 17 pm – 20 pm
COST: Free

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