Overview of Our Events

What events do we organize throughout the year?


Aalto Accounting arranges various events during the academic year. In this post, we would like to introduce more specifically the events we organize. Previous and current years have been especially challenging in terms of organizing genuinely community-building events. Regardless, we aim to organize events the best possible way taking the circumstances into account while eagerly waiting for live events.


Events in the Fall semester

At the beginning of the academic year, we have Fresh Camels & Mingling event for new accounting students. The event is relaxed and the main idea is to introduce new accounting students to each other and to Aalto Accounting. As we all know, fall is the main season for internship recruitment, therefore we have a dinner event with all Big4 companies as well as other corporate excursions. After the most hectic recruitment period in the late fall, the Academic semester is completed with style in our Christmas event at Brasserie Kämp.


Events in the Spring semester

The second academic semester includes after-exam events usually held with corporate partners, an Excel course with Deloitte, and Career Night with varying combinations of relevant employers and fine dining dinner. In addition, we have other excursions in the spring term too, because corporates are looking for interns for next fall. The spring semester is also the time for our field trip which has been in Lisboa in 2019 and in Toronto in 2018.


We are looking forward to see you at our next event!

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