Aalto Accounting brings old KY Accounting up to date

We are excited to announce our new name, logo, websites and visual identity. The reason behind the reform is to improve the outdated image of KY Accounting which had a strong relation with no longer existing Helsinki School of Economics and to further associate us to the Aalto community. By developing our organization, we can respond better to the wishes and expectations of our stakeholders.

We wanted our logo to be timeless and have elements representing infinity (∞) to stand for the constant need for accounting professionals in the corporate world. Did you notice that the new logo has two mirrored A’s describing our name?

The purpose of the new websites is to bring relevant information more efficiently to our stakeholders. We wanted to bring new features to our new websites such as a blog where you can find interesting content like alumni career stories, open positions for relevant employers, and information about events.

Besides these new features, we have changed our main communication language to English to reach international students as well. Also, we have taken over a new platform, LinkedIn, and we hope to connect with you there! Regardless of the new changes, we are continuously developing and improving our student organization in order to serve our stakeholders even better.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact us via email!

You can reach us at accounting@ky.fi.

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